Parenting Champs

An Everyday Champ


What is an Everyday Champ?

These parenting classes utilize Standard Triple P, also known as Level 4 Triple P, which is a parenting intervention designed to support families dealing with moderate to severe behavioral problems in their children. 

CATA LLC offers:

  1. Individual Counseling: Parents engage in one-on-one sessions with a practitioner. These sessions focus on promoting child development, managing misbehavior, and implementing planned activities and routines to encourage independent child play.

  2. Duration: The program typically consists of ten one-hour sessions delivered over several weeks (some adjustments may be made to suite your schedule)

  3. Materials: During the counseling sessions, parents may use resources such as videos and practice materials to reinforce positive parenting strategies.

  4. Age Range: Standard Triple P is available for parents of children from birth to 12 years.

How does CATA help you to become an Everyday Champ?

Everday Parenting Champs will have:

  • Number of Sessions: Triple P Level 4 Standard consists of 10 sessions.
  • Session Format:
    • Individual Counseling: Parents participate in one-on-one sessions with a practitioner.
    • Practice Sessions: These include 3 telephone or home visit practice sessions to assist caregivers in using behavior change strategies.
  • Frequency:
    • Typically, there is one session per week.
    • The 3 practice sessions are scheduled based on each family’s needs.
  • Session Duration:
    • Sessions 1-4 and 8-10 last one hour each.
    • Practice Sessions (sessions 5-7) are 40 to 60 minutes long .

Group of Champs


What is a Group of Champs? (This course will be available to the general public soon)

These parenting classes given in a group setting of up to 12 participants, utilize Standard Triple P, which is a parenting intervention designed to support families dealing with moderate to severe behavioral problems in their children. While working in a group of other parents/guardians, you are provided support to assist you in managing your child’s behavior and preventing the types of issues that can create stress in your family life.

What strategies does CATA use in it's Group of Parenting Champs?

CATA LLC uses the following strategies from Triple P in groups: 

  • Positive Parenting Techniques: Group Triple P emphasizes positive reinforcement, effective communication, and setting clear expectations. Parents learn how to praise and reward desired behaviors, which helps strengthen the parent-child bond.

  • Behavior Management: The program provides tools for managing challenging behaviors. Parents learn strategies to address issues such as tantrums, aggression, and disobedience. Techniques may include time-outs, consistent consequences, and problem-solving approaches.

  • Emotion Regulation: Group Triple P helps parents understand and manage their own emotions. When parents can regulate their feelings, they can respond to their child’s behavior more calmly and effectively.

  • Parental Self-Care: Taking care of oneself is crucial for effective parenting. Group Triple P encourages parents to prioritize self-care, reduce stress, and seek social support.

  • Parenting Styles: The program explores different parenting styles (e.g., authoritative, permissive, or authoritarian) and helps parents find a balanced approach that suits their family’s needs.

Remember that although you are working in a group CATA tailors the Triple P strategies to individual families, considering cultural differences and unique circumstances.

Champs Parenting Teens 

What is Champions Parenting Teens?

Standard Teen Triple P is a parenting support intervention designed for parents of teenagers up to 16 years old. It involves the following components:

  1. Thorough Family Assessment: Parents participate in an initial interview where comprehensive information about their teenager’s behavior, developmental history, and family circumstances is collected. Further assessments, including questionnaires and monitoring forms, help track specific teen behaviors.

  2. Interview with Teenager and Family Observation: The practitioner interviews the teenager to gain insights into family functioning and any presenting problems. Parent-teen interactions are also observed during a problem-solving discussion.

  3. Sharing Assessment Findings: Based on assessment results, the practitioner provides feedback to parents. Together, they develop an understanding of the nature, severity, and probable causes of concerns. Treatment goals are negotiated, and parents set behavior change goals for themselves and their teens.

  4. Encouraging Appropriate Behavior: Parents learn strategies for developing positive relationships with their teenagers, increasing desirable behavior, and teaching new skills.

  5. Using Positive Parenting Strategies: Parents and teens practice techniques such as daily meetings or behavior contracts. The practitioner provides feedback to help parents evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement.

The program consists of 10 weekly sessions.

Who would benefit from this course?

Champs who Parent Teens will be presented with the Teen Triple P course and this may be particularly beneficial for parents who have previously completed lower-level interventions but have not achieved their desired goals. This course incorporates a blend of videos, worksheets, tips, and activities. Each module typically spans 30 to 60 minutes. The program aims to empower parents by enhancing their confidence in understanding child development. Parents can then apply this knowledge to refine their parenting strategies. 

 Championing a New Path


What is the purpose of The Championing a New Path program?

Let’s break down the key points of The Championing a New Path program:

Target Audience:

  • The program is designed for parents at risk of child maltreatment. These parents may face challenges in their parenting journey, and the program aims to support them.


  • The program incorporates several strategies:
    • Stress Management Skills: Parents learn techniques to manage stress effectively. This helps them cope with the demands of parenting and reduces the risk of maltreatment.
    • Attributional Retraining: Parents explore their beliefs and assumptions about child behavior. By challenging negative attributions, they can respond more positively and empathetically to their children.
    • Anger Management: Parents acquire skills to manage anger and frustration constructively. This promotes healthier interactions with their children.

What is the Goal of Championing a New Path?

CATA LLC's goals for participants in this program:

  • Enhance Parent-Child Relationship: By teaching effective parenting techniques, the program aims to strengthen the bond between parents and their children.
  • Prevent Poor Mental Health Among Parents: Supporting parents in managing stress and emotions contributes to their overall well-being.
  • Reduce Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children: When parents receive guidance, children benefit from a more nurturing environment, leading to better emotional and behavioral outcomes.

The program acknowledges that child maltreatment can be prevented. By equipping parents with the necessary tools and knowledge, it aims to decrease occurrences of maltreatment. It’s essential to foster safe, sustainable, and nurturing relationships between parents and children to promote healthy family dynamics and prevent child maltreatment.

Practical Parenting Tips

  • Stop and Pay Attention:

    • When your child wants to show you something, pause what you’re doing and give them your full attention. Spending frequent, small moments together doing enjoyable activities strengthens your bond.

  • Regular Physical Affection:

    • Children thrive on physical affection. Offer hugs, cuddles, and hold hands with your child. These gestures convey love and security.

  • Make Time to Chat:

    • Engage in conversations with your child about their interests. Share aspects of your day with them. Communication fosters connection.

  • Specific Praise:

    • When your child behaves well, provide descriptive praise. For example, say, “Thank you for doing what I asked right away.” Be specific about what you appreciate."

  • Open-Ended Play Opportunities:

    • Boredom can lead to misbehavior. Offer engaging indoor and outdoor activities like playdough, coloring, cardboard boxes, dress-up items, or cubby houses.

  • Teach New Skills and Behaviors

    • Demonstrate desired behaviors yourself, then give your child opportunities to learn. For instance, model polite language (e.g., saying “please” or “thank you”) and praise their efforts.

  • Simple and Consistent Rules:

    • Establish clear limits for your child’s behavior. Have a family discussion about household rules and consequences for breaking them.

  • Calm Responses to Misbehavior:

    • Stay calm when your child misbehaves. Clearly instruct them to stop and redirect their behavior. Praise compliance, but if they persist, follow through with appropriate consequences.

  • Realistic Expectations:

    • Remember that all children misbehave at times. Discipline challenges are normal. Focus on positive interactions and growth.

  • Self Care: 

    • Take care of yourself. If you’re less stressed, you’ll be able to handle things with your kids more smoothly.


Feel free to incorporate these strategies into your parenting routine! (Derived from Top Ten Parenting Tips via TripleP)

Triple P is a comprehensive parenting program that enhances parenting skills, prevents dysfunctional practices, and reduces risk factors for child maltreatment. It equips parents with strategies to raise happy, confident children, manage misbehavior, and foster self-care and confidence. C.A.T.A LLC’s integration of Triple P helps parents become champions in their role, offering certificates upon completion of the parenting classes, which proudly displays the class name, the total hours you’ve invested, your name, and the date of completion.

Courses are $295 for virtual sessions. *Ask about in person meetings and the more cost effective self-paced options.

Parenting Champs


Parenting Champs


All courses provided meet court recommendations for parenting class requirements. Please make sure the course you select is the one you intend on taking. All courses will receive one free session covering the Top Parenting Tips. The price per course is 295 which includes:

  • Live sessions with the facilitator
  • Review materials
  • Family consultation
  • Certificate of completion 
  • And more